How to Create and Set Up Your Salesletter
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How to Create and Set Up Your Salesletter |
The salesletter is likened to the human replica of your sales team, though in proxy, it perfectly does the work of a salesman. If properly crafted and set up correctly, it will work 24/7 to enrich your business with profits untold.
To discuss:
in clear terms the correct way to write a salesletter
How to set it up once and for all to run your business without further human intervention.
The importance of a salesletter in an online business
3.1 How to Create Your Salesletter
By now I am pretty sure you know what a sales letter is. But for the purpose of refreshing everyone's mind I am going to go over it once more, but only briefly.
A salesletter is the next long and extensive (but sometimes short) page that you see immediately after signing up for more information on a product or service, or after responding to a text message (sms) sent to your phone in some cases.
A sales letter is certain type of salesman sent to a prospect with the intention of convincing him or her to become your costumer i.e. to buy your product or service. In the case of Online Business, it is usually in a printable digital form. The digital sales letter may take either of these formats:
an email (usually as short as possible or webpage (usually as long as possible).
As far as internet marketing is concern our reference to salesletter from this point forward will be more about the later rather than the former.
So please, take note of the following points as you set out to learn this vital skill in internet marketing:
- that writing sales letter is an art as well as science.
- it may take some times for you to reach the Masters' level. But you can however compete with the masters from the onset using cheat-sheets. Yes, that is one of the advantages that internet business offers over other types of businesses.
- infact, it is advisable to use cheat-sheets when you are just starting out on your first information product or you can pay someone else to write for you as you learn along.
- you can also download or copy sales letters of other people's products sent to you and keep them in a swipe file for learning purposes.
3.2.0 Purposes of a Salesletter
Generally speaking, sales letter is meant to fulfil the following purposes:
To Get Attention of Your Prospect(s)with Great Headline and Promises that Demands Attention. Add some 'teasers' that get them hooked and drag them in to read down to the end of your plot. As already mentioned above you can develop this skill over time by keeping a swipe file that collects great headlines by other marketers on your chosen market niche.
To Build Trust
Remember when buying from or selling on the Internet, all the parties are dealing with complete strangers. So you must build enough trust and bolster confidence before your prospects to be able to convince him to buy from you.
To Make Your Letter Memorable and Personal
This means giving your clients enough reasons to stay reading and long after thinking of your salesletter. Always write in the first person using active voice and never in second or third person using passive voice. Speak as if you are talking to one person directly in front of you.
For example, people selling beauty information can say '10 top secrets of Miss United States of America Beautiful Skin and How Your Skin Can Benefit From These Highly-Guarded Secrets', 'I Will Expose to You the 10 top secrets of Miss World Beautiful Skin', '10 top secrets of Miss Nigeria Beautiful Skin That Can Suddenly Bring You to Spotlight on Your Next Outing' or whatever market/country that you are focusing on.
You should also add colours to make your salesletter impressive and attractive.
To Identify the Problem(s)
You can use story (ies) or mention it directly as soon as possible in your opening paragraphs. Take enough time to paint a gruesome and painful picture of the problem and end up with why he/she need an urgent solution to it.
I have already noted that you should write your salesletter in the first person and it is worth repeating here that you should be in your prospect's position while you are writing: use I and you and talk as if you are in his shoes and you know very well where it hurts him. Use informal style as if you are talking to your friend.
To Provide the Solution(s)
A succinct description and positioning of your product/affiliate product as the real solution to your prospect's problem.
To Present Your Credentials
Your experience in the business and how many people you have been able to help solve similar problems. Aim at convincing your prospect that you are the right man to help him solve his problem.
To Show the benefits
Emphasize the benefits and not the features of your product in your bid to convince your prospect on how the product will help to solve his/her problems and take him/her from the position that he/she is now to where he/she wants to be in a specified period of time.
To Give Social Proofs
Provide them with testimonies, comments and praises from people who have used your product with positive results.
To Make Your Offer
Your price - in a step-by-step manner compared it to similar product in the same market niche. Attempt to prove to them that your offer is ten times better priced (not necessarily cheaper) than others in the market. It is a given that when selling a product your salespage should promote one product only. But even if you are selling a service or services this principle still holds.
But if you have a compelling reason to promote more than one product, make sure your universal selling point (USP) is on one product only, but you can highlight one or two other services that you are also offering on the sidelines, with extremely minimal emphasis only e.g. ads, OTO or downsales that show up just about when the visitor is exiting from your sales page.
To Inject Scarcity
I am sure you have seen those count-down buttons when you visit a web-page or have been told that the web-page will be taken down in 72 hours and that it will never be seen again by you - if you don't buy now. There are cheap and easy ways to put that in your salespage.
Attempt to warm up your prospect from the cold mood to a hot mood that makes it easier for him to enter the buying mood resulting in his pulling out his Credit/Debit Card to buy as soon as possible.
To Give a Guarantee
Of satisfaction or money-back-guarantee. Do not be afraid to give money-back-guarantee, it will not affect your profitability. If at all, it will affect it in a positive way. Tell the prospect in clear terms that he can ask and get his money back in full if for any reason he is not satisfied after using your product.
To Call to action
Tell your prospect precisely what to do, state it in a step-by-step manner =>1. Click here=>2. Fill out the form=> 3. Make payment with this or that=>4. Check your email for confirmation or for the product, etc., etc.
To Give a Warning
Another purpose of the salesletter is give your prospect some kind of warning, e.g. the price will go up in 72 hours, etc.
Fear of loss, pains and the promise of gain are powerful basic universal motivations, so always position your product to reinforce these emotions to your marketing unfair advantage.
To Close With a Reminder
This is where you write your PS, PPS, PPPS, etc. emphasizing as briefly as possible the salient points of your salesletter such as the benefits, scarcity, the guarantee, etc.
Please always keep in mind that writing a powerful and highly successful salesletter is a science as well as an art. I have just given you the skeleton of that science, but practicing it in your business will complete the other side of the coin - the art.
Practice makes perfect.
Also remember that testing, testing, testing is the Golden Key that will unlock what works in your niche.
So start practicing these principles step by step. You will be pleasantly surprised soon, when you see yourself among the masters, and that, sooner than you had envisaged.
Always make it easy for people to contact you directly if they have any reason to do so before and after they have bought your product. Open up such channels of communication such as Email, skype, Facebook Fanpage, Phone number, etc.
3.3 Components of a Salesletter
Whichever stage that you may be in terms of your skillset, you will always notice that most Salesletter have certain recurring components and your own should not be too different.
According to Sean Ogle of Location Rebel, he always writes his salesletter with a basic format that looks like this:
- Killer Headline
- Good lead that draws the reader in (as in sub-headlines)
- Personal video
- Relatable Story
- Testimonial
- Buy Button
- More relatable stories
- Product Features (and how that will benefit the prospect)
- Testimonial
- Buy button
- More product features
- Objection Handling
- Buy button
- LOTS of testimonials
- Buy button
- Video walk through
- Pricing - staggered
- Buy button
- Testimonial
- Guarantee
- Bonus
- Recap
- Buy Button
3.4 Finally, Organize Your Sale Letter Properly
Let your storyline flows freely and use bullet points to properly buttress your postulations for the sake of insightful and easy reading.
3.5 Setting up your Salesletter
This is easy using WordPress page, Google Blogger or even Google Drive. Remember to set the link to the page as public or private according to whatever is your marketing strategy. Each CMS has its instructions on the setting up process.
A salesletter is another essential part of this business, it keeps working for you far and near even when you are asleep. If you as not comfortable writing it yourself, you can pay a nerd at Fiverr to do it for you.
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